0.5ml - £250
1ml - £325
Lip fillers are an extremely popular treatment and when carried out correctly can look fabulous adding both beauty and youth to your face.
Lip sculpting and enhancement: This treatment is very popular with all patients and especially the younger patients who are not necessarily needing anti ageing but are looking to improve the shape and size of their lips.
Lip fillers for Anti ageing: As we get older our lips tend to thin giving us an aged appearance. Lip fillers can really help with this anti ageing process by giving the lips a more plump youthful appearance but still remaining appearing and feeling natural.
No matter what your natural lip shape is we specialize in creating beautiful lips that will always look natural.
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The Process
To begin the process, Sheridan will meet you for a one on one consultation. Because there are many products available, all of which create a slightly different look, she will work with you to determine which product will best suit your lips and the look you want to achieve.
After the consultation, the procedure can be done. In most cases, a topical anaesthetic will be applied to help numb your lips. Once the effects take hold, you’ll be injected with small injections of lip filler which is administered using a fine needle. This process is mostly pain-free, and within 20-40 minutes, you’ll be ready to go home.
Although the process is relatively painless, you may experience some mild swelling, bruising, or soreness after the treatment, but this will resolve after a day or two.
We will provide you will post treatment information to help ensure you have a quick healing and this is pain free.
Who Can Benefit?
For individuals who have thin lips or lines that have developed around their mouths or for those wishing to create a more attractive lip shape. Lip enhancement is ideal for both men and women.
Lip fillers are safe when administered by a licensed medical professional and can give natural-looking results.
Do Lip Fillers Hurt?
In our clinic we use lidocaine topical anaesthetic cream prior to the treatment and the products we use also contain anaesthetic, making it a relatively comfortable, pain-free experience.
Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment Care
There may be mild bruising, swelling and redness on/around the treated area, but this is usually mild and resolves quickly. Depending on the type of treatment you’ve received, you can usually return to your daily business after a day, or if possible, you may want to allow for two days.
To reduce swelling post treatment we always recommend and mild non-drousy antihistamine 3-5 days before and 3 days post treatment.
To help minimise bruising we suggest avoiding the following from a week before treatment: fish oil tablets, Vit E, NSAI (e.g. ibuprofen), Asprin and anti-coagulants.
It is recommended not to drink alcohol the day before.
Arnica tablets taken a week before may also help with preventing bruising.
How Long To Notice Results?
The results are instant. You’ll notice fuller, younger lips immediately after your treatment and the treatment will last on average between 6-8 months or sometimes even longer. If you would like repeat treatments, multiple treatments will not damage your natural lips. However, for those who do not want repeat procedures, their lips will return to normal as the product naturally dissolves away over time.
Advantages of Lip Fillers
The treatment is safe, effective, and relatively pain-free. Results are immediate and will increase lip volume with little recovery or downtime.
If you’re experiencing thinning lips or have lines on your mouth, it can affect your confidence. Luckily, lip fillers can correct that and give you a beautiful smile.
In addition to being long-lasting, the treatment also offers customisable results. Therefore, if you’re ready for fuller younger natural lips, contact Sheridan and get the exact results you desire.