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As we grow older, so does our skin, and once in a while, it can do with a little help. One of the most common skin rejuvenation methods is a skin peel. From the name, you can work out a skin peel involves removing the top layer of skin to allow fresh, younger skin to emerge. During a peel, the skin is subjected to chemical products that cause exfoliation.
Skin peels are available in different strengths. There are those superficial peels that cause you to look younger immediately after the procedure. Then there are other types that require some downtime, as time is needed for the skin to recover.
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Products Used
In our clinics the skin peeling procedure begins with a thorough consultation to determine whether the process will be suitable for you.
We use the Obagi and ZO products as we have found these to give excellent, reliable and safe results. Which peel that is used will depend on your individual preference as well as your overall skin condition as these products have different strengths.
Obagi has two peel strength the blue peel radiance and the stronger deeper Standard blue peel.
The Blue Peel Radiiance is good for patients who are looking to refresh the skin but with minimal recovery time. We recommend that you have at least three sessions using this peel.
The Standard Blue Peel is a much deeper peel which has Trichloroacetic Acid as an active ingredient together with Obagi’s patented Blue Base. It has more strength, but you will need a recovery period of 5-7 days. You must also prepare your skin for a minimum of six weeks before this treatment with the Obagi pre peel treatment products. For those with damaged ageing skin, this is an excellent treatment.
How Will I Feel?
This procedure takes around 30-45 minutes. Before leaving the clinic, we will advise you on your post-procedure instructions.
In most cases after the lighter Blue Peel Radiance, you may experience a little redness and minimal swelling to the skin and some very minimal flaking or peeling 1-2 days after. Makeup and a gentle moisturiser can be applied straight after treatment.
Individuals who opt for the stronger Standard Blue Peel should expect redness and swelling for at least 24 hours. Your skin will also feel dry as well as tight, but not painful. Then, the skin’s top layer will begin peeling for 3-5 days, and you should not interfere with this process. As soon as the skin is healed, you can apply makeup over the fresh new layer. You will need to apply some post procedure products to the skin which shall be supplied to you by your practitioner.
Note skin peels are not suitable for those with a suntan or someone who will continue to expose their skin to direct sun.
Sun beds should be avoided at all time and to protect the new skin a high factor sunscreen should be applied regularly throughout the day.
How Many Peels Will I Need?
Well, that will depend largely on your skin condition, skin thickness and skin problem. However, in average, most patients will undergo 3-6 light peels or one strong peel. If required we will supply you with pre and post treatment skin care.
Complications with skin peels are very rare, but you could experience scarring if the skin is pulled or picked before the peeling process is completed so it is important you do not interfere with the process. Skin peels can, in rare cases, also activate cold sores if you are prone to this condition. If you suffer from cold sores using an anti-viral medication pre treatment can help to prevent this. This shall be discussed in detail at your consultation. Some individuals also experience pigmentation if the skin is not prepared correctly with the home care program. If this was to occur this usually resolves with time, although you should use sunscreen for the first three months.
Sheridan Says:
“Skin peels are safe and effective. These are the right treatment for those who want an even tone and to improve their skin’s clarity. However, you must be prepared to avoid direct exposure to sunlight after a peel. Also, be sure to let the skin peel on its own.”