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by Beauty Skin Clinic
Having a defined and robust chin is something that both men and women would like to have. And this why treatment options for weak chins are becoming more popular. The striking look and better framing of your face are among the benefits of having a stronger jawline.
Chin treatments differ amongst genders. For men, they mostly prefer a sharp angular and well-defined chin. The ladies also crave the same but with a softer touch in order to maintain the femininity. With such an impressive jawline, you will be able to walk around confidently in any outfit.
A weak-looking jaw can be caused by several factors. Ageing and certain lifestyles, however, contribute more. Nonetheless, what you do about your weak jawline is what matters the most. Thanks to available treatment options, you can better your appearance by having a stronger and more defined jawline.
Although not given the attention it deserves, the lower third of the face is as essential as the forehead and cheeks. Maintaining beauty on your chin and areas around it contributes immensely to achieving a youthful look.
In this article, we are going to address some of the causes of a weak chin and available treatment options.
Achieving A Proportionate Chin
Having a strong jawline shouldn’t be the end goal. Most people tend to fixate only on making their chin appear stronger without considering the proportion. You need to examine the features surrounding as well. This will help achieve balance.
A proportionate chin doesn’t only look great, but it looks natural. It means that you will look dashing from angles, the front, and the side inclusive. Creating balance is very essential because it helps avoid instances where your chin looks smaller or larger than usual. This also helps prevent your chin from jutting from the side.
Having a recessed chin can affect other features of your body. For instance, your nose could look bigger than it should be. If you have a weak chin and are considering treatment, your physician will examine it thoroughly so that the treatment falls in line with other features. S/he will look at the upper lip and ensure it is in line with your chin.
To ensure you achieve a proportionate chin, your consultant may recommend fillers, chin implants, or even fat transfer. These treatments will help create balance and are effective at giving you a stronger jawline.
Chin Fillers
Unlike surgical procedures, chin fillers are a temporary option. They are ideal for those who don’t prefer surgery or would first like to see a representation of what can happen before getting a long-term commitment. Chin fillers are an easy, effective, and quick treatment solution for weak chins. S
In this kind of treatment, projection is mandatory. And, the filler used is designed to be thicker and long-lasting so that the results last for an extended period. Your specialist or aesthetician will give you a schedule for filler appointments where you can come for more treatment sessions.
Chin fillers are an excellent treatment option for weak chins. It adds definition to your jawline and guarantees a sharper and slim finish.
Chin Augmentation
To achieve a long-term treatment of your chin, you can always opt for chin augmentation. It is a surgical procedure that entails the placement of silicone implants on specific areas of your mouth, such as below the lip or from the chin going upwards.
One of the issues you might run to is asymmetry. However, with a reputable surgeon, this should not be a big problem. To achieve a more natural look, you may be forced to add implants to your jawline. Chin augmentation procedures differ from one person to another this is because we all have unique face shapes and sizes.
One of the perks of incorporating chin augmentation and jaw implants is that you get a more defined finish.
Fat Transfer
The only difference between fat transfer and chin augmentation is only that the latter uses silicone implants. Fat transfer implies the transfer of fat from one part of the body to another. Chin augmentation happens to be more effective because, with fat, there is a difference in texture and hardness.
A Sharper Profile
As you age, you will realize a loss in the definition of stronger jawlines. This condition is known as jowls and is caused by ageing. It turns what was once a sharper profile into an ambiguous jawline.
Jowls is a common physical condition and happen to us over time. You can also experience it when you lose weight rapidly. A facelift can help you regain a sharper profile and reduce the appearance of sagging skin.
Jowl Fillers
Fillers can be an excellent treatment for jowls. Thanks to their plumping effect, the fillers smoothen the area near your chin, thus significantly reducing the effects of ageing. Compared to chin fillers, jowl fillers have more fluidity and are more effective at adding definition.
For best effects, your beautician can inject the filler to the pre-jowl sulcus, which is located in front of each jowl. When the filler is injected in any area other than the one mentioned above, due to the height of the jowl, there will be no effects.
Thread Lifts
Thread lifts are similar to facelifts only that it is less invasive. The tightening effect is achieved only through the pulling back of the skin with the use of threads. This is done while suspending the jowls higher for you to achieve the desired look.
Temporary side effects of thread lifts include difficulty in displaying emotion, scarring, and dimples might appear after the procedure. These side effects last for a few days, and in case they persist, you should consult your specialist
Adding Upturn
A weaker jawline is also associated with a downturned mouth, commonly known as a frowning mouth. This is also caused by ageing and having a les defined jawline. Adding an upturn can remedy this situation and give you a more youthful look.
Lines on the mouth, referred to as marionette lines can appear due to ageing. When your face lowers as a whole, it often results in the frowning effect. And these two conditions can also be linked to having a weak jawline.
The above treatment options can help give a smoother chin and stronger jawline. Talk to your consultant today about the options available.